Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oil Spill PR

"Whenever a BP ad comes on TV my reaction is the same - ’Seriously?’ Obviously BP is in need of some serious PR repair, and of course they’re trying to improve their image after the Gulf spill. However, BP’s claims that they are going to make things right, and that they are out searching for the spilled oil, rings hollow. Saying that they are having trouble finding oil to clean up is absurd, and rather insulting to the viewer’s intelligence. The only way they could be having trouble finding oil to clean up is if Mr. Magoo is their chief ‘oil finder.’ By the way, I can’t be the only one who remembers the pre-Gulf-spill commercials about BP standing for ‘Beyond Petrolium,’ and how they billed themselves as the earth-friendly energy company. Their credibility is shot, and they ought to consider that before making any more commercials. If they want the public to believe they have cleaned up their mess, and are doing the ‘right thing,’ then they need to bring in some one or some group that is independent and impartial to report on these claims..."

Continue reading Anyone Else Find BP's Ads Insulting?

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